What is Sensory Integration?

Sensory Integration refers to the way the nervous system receives sensory messages and turns them into responses (Miller 2006). Although primarily designed for use with children it is becoming increasingly used in client groups across the age ranges.

Cambs OT can offer a range of sensory assessments for both adults and children in Cambridgeshire and surrounding areas. These are completed by an experienced Occupational Therapist who is an Advanced Sensory Integration Practitioner.

Individuals who have difficulty processing sensory information may struggle in many aspects of everyday life.
We can help
• Find safer ways of meeting sensory needs.
• Feel calm and alert to carry out everyday activities.
• Develop a sensory diet to feel organised and focussed

If you or anyone you know can relate to this video ( you do not have to have a diagnosis of autism) then you would benefit from a sensory assessment.

Who would benefit from Sensory Integration?

Sensory integration - bright light

If you are sensitive to noise / light / specific movements and these stop you from carrying out your everyday activities then it could be that you may have sensory integration needs. Most people have some form of sensory sensitivity but are able to find ways to cope with them so they do not interfere with their routine.


Research has shown that sensory integration assessments and recommendations are beneficial to people who have a diagnosis of ASD and / or a learning disability. More research is emerging about the benefits of sensory integration for people who have a diagnosis of a mental health condition.

Sensory Integration Assessment

Sensory assessments are designed around individual need. We have a range of standardised and non standardised assessments that can be completed by the individual and their family and carers. These can provide information on the difficulties a person is experiencing processing sensory information.


A sensory assessment clinic is held regularly and presents the opportunity to assess and observe the individual in a range of practical activities.


Following assessment a written report is provided with recommendations that suit the individual and their lifestyle.


Sensory awareness training workshops are available for family, education staff, respite services and support staff and can provide valuable knowledge and advice to help support individuals with difficulties processing sensory information. Training packages for groups can be flexible and designed around your requirements.